Own a pair of Heeley's
To celebrate my 30th birthday, I travelled to Las Vegas meeting my brother and his family out there. In the midst of the bright, light city with all it's glitz, glamour and splendour, away from the cards and craps tables I saw something pretty amazing....
Kids were gliding down the street as if by magic.
At first, I thought that the lack of sleep, heightened emotional state and oxygen pumped brain had caused me to start hallucinating, however, I later discovered after a visit to the Las Vegas Outlet Mall that the magical devices were available to purchase from most stalls. They carried the title "heeleys", shoes with wheels in the heels and they were only available in kids sizes.
Soon this trend caught on in the UK and the children in my local town were gliding from shop to shop with the greatest of ease.
I wanted, no, I NEEDED to join this craze but without adopting the "ugly sister and glass slipper approach" I was struggling with shoe sizes!
Why were Heeleys missing out on such a wide market? Parents must be seeing their kids zipping around and thinking, "I want a go" How many parents use their kids as an excuse to go into a soft play centre climbing and zipping around. I for one am the first in line to whip my shoes off to chase after my daughter in our local crazy, multi tiered sot play and zipping down the bumpy slide.
Surely, I am not on my own....pass me that glass slipper!
I can now say, that even though I am approaching 40 years old, I am a proud owner of a pair of Heeleys.
The down side is how the hell do you actually use them?
Kids make it look so easy, am I too old? Kids fall over, bounce, and get back up....dad's break
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