Jawa Utini
When Cousin James and I were blessed with going to the Star Wars Evening with the Stars a couple of years ago and had the pleasure of sitting on a table with Cathy Monro, we were also blessed with meeting Leslie and Jawa Utini, two more enthusiasts (probably a little more than me!) with who we chatted the night away. I had explained the Leslie that I had come to find out about the evening whilst carrying out a challenge on my 40 before 40.
The day after we met up with the lovely couple at the Convention in Burnley and found out that Jawa had taken our costume idea and raised the ante. Whilst James and I were in eBay specials, Jawa had gone full armour as a Imperial Stormtrooper.
Leslie and I have stayed in contact via the power of Facebook, and the occasional meet in Burnley with other geeks. Recently I received a message from her...
"Hi Danny, I've talked about your 40 before 40 so much, Jawa is planning a 50 before 50, he only had 13 months to do it and do far had only thought of 20 things, lol. Any suggestions?"
Jawa has now created his list and published it, so the challenges are now on for the next 13 months. I know how much fun this can bring, and wish him all the best with his list.
1 See 13 films in 13 months at the cinema - Interstellar on Friday with LC.
2 Get divorced
3 Get married - these two might seem a bit strange, but will make sense for this who know me a little better
4 Join and troop with 99th and 501st
5 Join and troop with Rebel Legion
6 Join and troop with Mando Mercs
7 Clear garage - this one is for LC, it's her garage and has been ongoing for some time. No doubt she will enlighten everyone on exactly how long
8 Finish floor - again, this one is for LC, it's her floor and has been ongoing for some time. No doubt she will enlighten everyone on exactly how long
9 Play pooh stick
10 Do a falconry day
11 Properly register for my PhD
12 Learn to swim
13 Do a charity bike ride
14 Do a roller coaster
15 Celebration Anaheim - tickets bought
16 Visit Rancho Obi Wan
17 See the Hollywood sign, for real obviously, take a picture
18 Follow Bretts tourist guide
19 Drive a convertible Mustang
20 All 7 films back to back (yes, I do include Clone Wars in this)
21 Cook for LC
22 See 4 shows at a theatre
23 See 4 gigs
24 Drive a lap in a Caterham
25 Do 4 shows at the NEC - Birmingham Comic Con yesterday and The Clothes Show in a couple of weeks, already half way there.
26 Exercise more and get fitter
27 Holiday in a VW camper
28 Ride a horse
29 Do some volunteer work
30 Publish a paper
31 Go on a road trip in a classic car
32 Fly a kite
33 Spend the night in a haunted house
34 Do my family tree
35 Finally get my website up and running
36 Visit 6 new museums
37 Try 1 new meal per month
38 Canoe
39 Feed animals at a zoo
40 Learn to meditate
41 Write a book of cocktail recipes
42 Try 1 new restaurant per month
43 Learn 1 new recipe per month- tried a new curry recipe today, will write it up soon
44 Have my fortune read
45 Sponsor an animal - Sponsored Jezebel the cat on Saturday. Will be doing more than one so watch out for an update
46 Own an original piece of artwork
47 Go mushroom picking
48 Tweet and Facebook once a week - started
49 Give blood regularly
50 Haven't actually got a 50 yet, any ideas?
Ian, mentioned below, has been a true mate for years. Ever since we met on my first day at Loanmakers we have been really good mates. Even though Ian returned to his Brummy routes a few years ago we have stayed in touch and speak generally every day of the week via email.
Reading Beewell's Blog has given me further insight into how much he has actually done in his life, and he has always mocked that his bucket list has been filled several times over. Although, as I have been telling him of all the fun and crazy things I have been doing over the last few months, I think there has been something pestering the back of his brain trying to get out.
Today (21/06/2013) Ian published a bucket list of 31 things he would like to do before he "be-not-well".
His list can be found here: Beewell's Bucket List
I am happy to help Beewell with any of these challenges and will support him through them all.
I look forward to hearing his stories as these are ticked off his list
Remember: BE INSPIRED - create your bucket list or challenge list and do things you never thought you could do!
Tilly Bean
Tilly Bean has been telling me she will be setting up a bucket list for quite some time now, but I know looking after two boys (Daavv and Milo) can be bloody hard work.
After a little teasing, Tilly's blog is now up and running with her 30 before 30.
Please take time to have a little look and see if there is anything you can help her with.
Tilly's 30 before 30
Craig (Brother) - 1st inspired
He will not be publishing online as in his own words "No blogs, facebooks or any rubbish. Just a good old spreadsheet between you and me."I have seen the list and it is a going to be a fair old challenge including doing the ironman!
My brother has been an inspiration to me most of my life. He has introduced me to "proper" music, Star Wars, films, poker and generally most of the good things in my life.
He was my best man for our wedding and did a bloody good job of that! The stag do was fantastic and brought together a great bunch to celebrate in Cardiff (see the Meet someone from Star Wars link)
I am happy for once to inspire my brother and I know that we are all here to support his midlife crisis!
Good luck with the list bro
Beewells Blog
My good friend Ian (Beewell) has also taken some inspiration and set up a blog of his thoughts. On seeing my 40 before 40 he told me "what a great idea, although I have done so much in my life I don't think I could fit much more in!"I met Beewell a good few years ago whilst working at Loanmakers. His infectious laugh, great personality and kind nature are just a few of his great qualities. He has joined me in a fair few challenges over the years and some of them we both wondered if he would survive to the end.
On one of our cycle events from Manchester to Liverpool, he thought that looking where he was going was not the best use of his energy. So an early collision with me, a later head on collision with another cycler and a final incident with a dog left Beewell pretty much incapacitated! The picture below is at the end (I must add, this was at my "chunky, but had already lost some weight" stage)
Ian is now joining the cousins in our triathlon madness by starting with a Super-sprint (kids version) in Birmingham - I am sure he will be hooked (if he survives)- keep an eye on his blog for updates on training regimes and other random thoughts passing through his crazy brain.
I can't class this one as an inspiration for a bucket list
Trying to inspire
Everyone keeps telling me how much of a good idea this is and that they "will" set one up but I am yet to see some results.For those of you who have said I have inspired you to set up a list....the first task is to carry on being inspired and start the list going. I will link your details in this section of my blog
If you don't start it, you may be missing out on experiencing some of the best things you never thought you would see and do.
Thanks for the link mate, I hope may others take it upon themselves to make a bucket list.