Friday 17 May 2013

See the Colosseum

Ciao Roma

16th May 2013 - 18th May 2013
Rome, The Eternal City

We arrived in Rome after a hefty train journey from Sorrento on the Eve of Clare's 31st birthday.  As we knew our hotel was somewhere near the Vatican we cleverly (or so we thought) purchased a 48 hour hop-on-hop-off bus trip, which one of the stops was The Vatican.  So we hopped off and then circled round Rome for the next hour trying to find the hotel....which was located at the top of an incredible climb.

The morning of Clare's birthday we had decided to jump on the tour bus again, take in the full glory of Rome and then hop off at the sites of interest.....after an hour of waiting at the bus stop we were informed that the bus company (101) had gone on strike and would not be working at all today.

So began our trek of Rome.

On our way to see if we could complain and get some form of compensation (or another ticket for another bus ride) we decided to take in some of the sites.

Vittori is one of the most fantastic buildings I have ever seen, The Trevi Fountains are beautiful, The Pantheon awesome, and many many other buildings and columns that seem to be on every street corner.  I can recommend a city break in Rome (although it is hardly a break with the amount of walking if you want  to see these impressive buildings).

We arrived at the Colosseum around lunchtime and it is VAST!
That is pretty much all I can say about the largest Ampitheatre in the world, it is just a huge arena, a majorly impressive sight.

A quick stop of a drink and then we carried on towards our main goal of the day....the bus terminal.  When we arrived I did a little complaining that seemed to get through to the right people and 20 minutes later we had a 24 hour bus pass for another hop-on-hop-off bus....and we did just that.

I think the most impressive building in the whole of Rome for me, and I think Clare felt the same ,was The Vatican.  Not only did it mean we were nearly home after a full days of trekking, but there is an awesome Ice Cream Gellateria near by and yes, it is an awesome site (The Vatican, not the ice cream shop)

What a way to spend a birthday, something I hope Clare will always remember.

So here stands complete another challenge from my 40 before 40
I am so happy that I had the experience of Rome, and would definitely go back....for longer

But more than anything, I am so happy that Clare enjoyed her birthday and she is always happy to travel to these destinations

For some pictures from our day around Rome, please click here.

I do have to mention the staff at the Majestic Palace, San Angello as well.
This is the second time we have been there and the staff are fantastic.  Vincenzo, Danilo, Guiseppe, Linda, Maria, Antonio, just to mention a few all make our holiday perfect.....and the food is awesome

Thank you guys

The 3rd Largest Ampitheatre

On our massive excursion (5 hour trip down to Matamata - see Visit Tatooine) Clare and I decided to take in a historic monument on the way back.

El Jem host the third largest ampitheatre in the world.  This was a little taster to prepare us for the Roman Experience to come.

The Ampitheatre in El Jem was partly the setting for Gladiator (the bit in Africa)

The most pointless Ampitheatre
Back in 2011, we took a weekend break in Chester.  Little did we know that Chester has it's own ampitheatre and they are very proud of this.  We spent most of the morning looking for it, until we realised we had walked past it quite a few times as the ampitheatre in question isn't there anymore, but they have a lovely picture of one!

Still, a great weekend along the "Walls" and centre.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Meet someone from Star Wars

Star Wars Fan Fun Day

Star Wars Fan Fun Day

Clare, Me, James and Natalie were full geek ahead!

Burnley FC was again the host to the Star Wars Fan Fun Day, and we again arrived a little early.

Clare suggested that we start the queue by getting in line first and let others queue behind us.  Moments later, Mr Kenobi decided to join us followed by a squad of Storm Troopers, Mandalorians, Lady Boba, Leia, Tusken Raiders, a 7ft wookie (Tarful) and of course R2-D2!  

Whilst we were in the queue waiting to enter the event, we couldn't help noticing the amount of parents shouting their children's names. "Harrison", "Luke", "Leia".  You could not deny the impact that these films has had on many peoples lives.  As each character approached the queue you could see adults and children alike become more and more excited.
Taful, This was a fantastic

As the queue got bigger and longer the special guests started to arrive.  The crowd around us were slightly taken aback as David Prowse (Vader) walked passed and acknowledge us (obviously remembering me and James as organisers for him the night before), then Jeremy (Boba Fett) arrived and shouted over, "Morning James, Morning Danny".  The geeks around us seemed to move closer to be part of our popular crowd.  Finally Cathy Monroe (Zuckus) arrived and came over to me and James and gave us a hug each! At this point our surrounding geeks spontaneously com-busted! Femi Taylor (Oola), Rusty Goffe (Jawa), Julian Glover, Chris Muncke, Alan Rusco, Mark Silk and our favourite Nick Joseph (Medal Holder) all turned up after this and entered the venue ready to sign autographs all day and chat to crazed geeks.  

Clare (not really a Star Wars Fan) absolutely loved the queue, and said this was the favourite part of her day.  Both me and James in costume (from my stag do) stood out from the adults in the crowd who mostly had Star Wars related t-shirts on, but the kids seemed to be in full dress.  

At 10:30am we entered the convention to be greeted by Jabba, IG-88, loads of memorabillia stands, more Storm Troopers and geeks galore. We made a bee-line straight to our favourite guest of the previous night and introduced Clare and Natalie to the Bounty Hunter Zuckuss (Cathy Munroe).
David Prowse, was charging the most for his autograph (3x what he charges on his website), but the standard price was about £15.00 per autograph which you could choose either a selected photo from the desk or take an object of your own for a scribble.
Nick Joseph had the "Yavin Rebel Medallion" on his desk for all to see.  This gentleman was only charging £5.00 for his autograph, and he was one of the nicest guys ever.

We later found out as well that Rusty Goff is not only one of the Jawa's from "A New Hope" but also one of the main Umpa Lumpa's from the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Finally, to mark the challenge "Meet someone from Star Wars" complete (as if meeting all the guests the night before and this day was not enough!), I got a signed print from Jeremy Bulloch (Mr Boba Fett himself) personally addressed to me (however he did spell my surname incorrect)

Great two days!
Thanks to Neil Livesey for organising two fantastic events
Keep an eye next year for the Star Wars Fan Fun Day
For all our pictures from the day - please click here

Dinner with the Stars II
May 5th 2013, James and I ventured to Burnley football ground for an evening with some of the stars of Star Wars.  We arrived a little early, so grabbed a beer and had a little chat, only to be interrupted by the Dark Lord himself.  David Prowse (the man in the suit) walked in and asked us where he should be sitting!  We directed him to his seat, shook his hand and left him to his evening. Our table guest was Cathy Munroe who was Zuckuss the bounty hunter in Empire Strikes Back, what a wonderful person!  Cathy had only realised her characters influence 4 years ago and is still pretty new to the circuit.  Both Cathy and her partner entertained us with their stories for the rest of the evening.
We also had the pleasure of meeting Boba Fett himself, Jeremy Bulloch, Rusty Goff who had played a Jawa and Kabe in the original Trilogy), Julian Glover, Chris Munke, Nick Joseph, and many other lovely guests.  We sneaked a few pictures with David, Jeremy and Cathy during the night.  

RIP Richard La Parmentier

Richard LeParmentier, General Motti from A New Hope, sadly passed away April 15th 2013.  He was due to feature at the Dinner with the Stars and Star Wars Fan Fun Day as below.  He was not a major known star of the holy trilogy but he was the only person to survive Vader's force choke!

Sadly, I will not be meeting Richard at the Dinner with the Stars

Dinner with the Stars.

James (Cousin) and I have secured tickets to go for a 3 course meal with David Prowse, Jeremy Bulloch, and many other stars from the original Holy Trilogy for the 5th May 2013.  

This will be a prelude to the "Star Wars Fan Fun Day" the day after in Burnley.  Yes, The Dark Lord himself is coming to Burnley!

May the Stag be with you

I have always wanted to meet someone from Star Wars, and this challenge is still ongoing.....
However, I did have the pleasure of a fantastic stag weekend with some of the cast from the Holy Trilogy